
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Torticollis   Definition an intense or incessant regularly agonizing condition portrayed by automatic discontinuous or continued withdrawal of the muscles of the neck, (for example, the sternocleidomastoid or trapezius) that makes the head tilt or turn sideways, twist forward or in reverse, or jolt strangely NOTE:  Torticollis may occur secondary to an injury or a preexisting condition (such as a musculoskeletal abnormality or a neurodegenerative disease) but is often of unknown cause.     Symptoms and Signs ·          Because spasmodic torticollis is an abnormal contraction of the muscle in one side of the neck, people will appear with their head turned to one side. Neck muscles and those between the neck and shoulder will be tense and tender, causing  neck pain . ·          People with acute torticollis will be unwilling to turn their head to one side or may have their head turned slightly away from the side of discomfort. ·          Deviation of the eyes (oculogyric crisis) where

The Best Total Hip Replacement Rehab & Stay in Ipoh

 Done Total Hip Replacement ? S eek for Total Hip Replacement in Ipoh, we are the best total hip replacement rehab in Ipoh.   W ong Medical Centre provides the best Total Hip Replacement rehab & acupuncture.  For inquiry, kindly call us at 05-3114022/012-4520077. Thank you. #TotalHipReplacementTreatment #wongmedicalcentre #THR #strengtheningexercises #acupuncture #bestservices #wongmedicalcentre #rehabilitation #StayIn #accommodation #bestphysio #ipohperak #gunungrapat #kampar #telukintan #simpangpulai #botaniipoh #cameronhighland #staysafe #covid19.


  全髋关节置换后入住 定义 在全髋关节置换术(也称为全髋关节置换术)中,将受损的骨头和软骨去除,并用假体组件置换。取出受损的股骨头,并用金属杆代替,该金属杆置于股骨的中空中心。 髋关节置换手术的总风险和并发症 涉及麻醉的并发症。 ... 髋关节脱位。 ... 感染。 ... 手术后不同的腿长。 ... 损坏关节周围的结构。 ... 义肢的松动。 ... 股骨骨折。 ... 死亡。 症状 血块。手术后,腿部静脉会形成血栓。 ... 感染。感染可能发生在切口部位和新臀部附近的较深组织中。 ... 断裂。 ... 错位。 ... 腿长改变。 ... 松动。 ... 神经损伤。 治疗 保持腿向前。 坐着或站着时,一定要将患病的腿放在前面。 不要在厨房使用高脚厨房或高脚凳。 跪在手术腿的膝盖上(不良的一面)。 一定要使用冰块减轻疼痛和肿胀,但请记住,冰块会减少感觉。


  POST TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT & STAY IN DEFINISI Penggantian hip adalah prosedur pembedahan di mana sendi pinggul digantikan dengan implan prostetik. Pembedahan penggantian hip boleh dilakukan sebagai penggantian total atau penggantian hemi. Pembedahan ortopedik bersama seperti ini biasanya dijalankan untuk melegakan kesakitan arthritis atau memperbaiki kerosakan sendi fizikal yang teruk sebagai sebahagian daripada rawatan keretakan pinggul. Penggantian pinggul total terdiri daripada menggantikan kedua-dua acetabulum dan kepala femoral manakala hemiroplasty pada umumnya hanya menggantikan kepala femoral. Penggantian hip kini merupakan operasi ortopedik yang paling biasa, walaupun kepuasan pesakit jangka pendek dan jangka panjang berbeza-beza. Proses penggantian total hip?   Pelbagai teknik anestetik boleh digunakan dalam prosedur ini. Operasi biasanya mengambil masa satu jam hingga 90 minit. Pakar bedah akan membuat pemotongan di tepi pinggul dan mengeluarkan sendi dan soket bola ya

肩周炎 定义

肩周炎 定义 肩周炎,也称为粘附性囊膜炎,以肩关节僵硬和疼痛为特征。体征和症状通常会逐渐开始,随着时间的流逝而恶化,然后通常在一到三年内消失 原因 构成结缔组织的情况下,将构成肩关节的骨头,腱和韧带包裹起来。当这种情况变厚并固定在肩关节周围时,就会发生固化的肩部,从而限制了其发展。 专家不确定为什么某些人会发生这种情况,尽管事实上这一定会发生在患有糖尿病的人或最近需要固定肩膀以进行大范围拉伸的人中,例如在医疗程序之后或手臂破裂。 症状 凝固的肩部通常分三个阶段逐渐生长。每个阶段可以持续几个月。 冻结阶段。肩膀的任何发育都会导致折磨,并且肩膀的活动范围开始受到限制。 固化阶段。在此阶段,折磨可能开始减轻。尽管如此,您的肩膀会变得更僵硬,而使用它却变得更加麻烦。 除霜阶段。肩膀的活动范围开始改善 治疗 大多数肩周炎会在12到18个月内自行恢复。对于持续的症状,您的医生可能建议:类固醇注射。在您的肩关节中注射皮质类固醇可能有助于减轻疼痛并改善肩膀的活动能力,尤其是在该过程的早期阶段。


FROZEN SHOULDER  DEFINISI ‘Frozen shoulder’ adalah penyakit yang sering dikaitkan dengan kekakuan pada bahu yang seterusnya menyebabkan pergerakan bahu menjadi terhad. ‘Frozen shoulder’ turut dikenali dengan nama ‘Adhesive Capsulitis’. Ia sering disalah anggap sebagai penyakit arthritis, namun sebenarnya kedua-dua penyakit ini adalah tidak berkaitan antara satu sama lain. ‘Frozen shoulder’ lebih tertumpu kepada bahagian bahu sahaja manakala arthritis melibatkan beberapa sendi lain. SIMPTOM Pesakit yang menghidap ‘Frozen shoulder’ akan mengalami kesakitan yang berterusan selain mengalami masalah pergerakan bahu terhad. Simptom-simptom ini akan berlanjutan dan menjadi lebih parah dari semasa ke semasa. Simptom ‘Frozen shoulder’ boleh dikategorikan kepada 3 peringkat. Ketiga-tiga peringkat tersebut mengambil masa lebih kurang dua tahun secara keseluruhannya. 1 Peringkat pertama: sakit dan kekakuan pada bahu Pada peringkat ini setiap pergerakan yang melibatkan sendi bahu akan menyebabkan k


  POST TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT & STAY IN DEFINITION   In a  total hip replacement  (also called  total hip arthroplasty ), the damaged bone and cartilage is removed and replaced with prosthetic components. The damaged femoral head is removed and replaced with a metal stem that is placed into the hollow center of the femur. Total Hip Replacement Surgery  Risks and Complications Complications Involving Anesthesia. ... Hip  Dislocation. ... Infection. ... Different Leg Lengths  after Surgery . ... Damage to Structures Around the  Joint . ... Loosening of the Prosthetic. ... Femur Fracture. ... Death. SYMPTOMS Blood clots . Clots can form in your leg veins after surgery. ... Infection. Infections can occur at the site of your incision and in the deeper tissue near your new hip. ... Fracture . ... Dislocation . ... Change in leg length. ... Loosening. ... Nerve damage. TREATMENT Do keep the leg facing forward. Do keep the affected leg in front as you sit or stand. Do use a high kitchen or


FROZEN SHOULDER DEFINITION Frozen shoulder , also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your  shoulder  joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one to three years   CAUSES The bones, tendons and ligaments that make up your shoulder joint are encased in a case of connective tissue. Solidified shoulder happens when this case thickens and fixes around the shoulder joint, limiting its development. Specialists aren't sure why this happens to certain individuals, in spite of the fact that it's bound to happen in individuals who have diabetes or the individuals who as of late needed to immobilize their shoulder for an extensive stretch, for example, after medical procedure or an arm crack.  SYMPTOMS Solidified shoulder normally grows gradually, and in three phases. Each stage can last various months. Freezing stage. Any development of your shoulder causes torment, and your shou


  I f you seek for Bell's Palsy in Ipoh, we are the Bell's Palsy treatment in Ipoh.   W ong Medical Centre provides the best Bell's Palsy treatment.  For inquiry, kindly call us at 05-3114022/012-4520077. Thank you. #BellsPalsyTreatment #wongmedicalcentre #BellsPalsy #fascialexecrises #bestservices #wongmedicalcentre #rehabilitation #bestphysio #ipohperak #gunungrapat #kampar #telukintan #simpangpulai #botaniipoh #cameronhighland #staysafe #covid19.


  I f you seek for nursing services in Ipoh, we are the best nursing services in Ipoh.   W ong Medical Centre provides the best nursing services such feeding, dressing and more .  For inquiry, kindly call us at 05-3114022/012-4520077. Thank you. #nursingservices #wongmedicalcentre #nursingcare #rehabilitation #bestservices #wongmedicalcentre #rehabilitation #bestservices #ipohperak #gunungrapat #kampar #telukintan #simpangpulai #botaniipoh #cameronhighland #staysafe #covid19.


  THE BEST KNEE PAIN IN IPOH DEFINITION  Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions — including arthritis, gout and infections — also can cause knee pain. Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces also can help relieve knee pain. In some cases, however, your knee may require surgical repair. Symptoms Swelling and stiffness Redness and warmth to the touch Weakness or instability Popping or crunching noises Inability to fully straighten the knee Causes Knee pain can be caused by injuries, mechanical problems, types of arthritis and other problems. Injuries  Open pop-up dialog box  Open pop-up dialog box A knee injury can affect any of the ligaments, tendons or fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that surround your knee joint as well as the bones, cartilage and ligaments that form the joint itself. Some of the mor


 MASALAH STRESS DEFINISI Stress atau tekanan ialah keadaan seseorang itu mengalami ketidakstabilan sama ada fizikal ataupun mental dan ianya berkaitan dengan cara hidup kita.pengasas kepada teori stress atau tekanan perasaan telah mendefinisikannya sebagai “suatu reaksi yang tidak spesifik oleh diri seseorang disebabkan oleh sesuatu bebanan yang menimpanya. ‘Bebanan’ ini boleh wujud di dalam bentuk ancaman, cabaran ataupun apa-apa perubahan di dalam hidup seseorang yang memerlukan pengubahsuaian yang selari dengannya.Ada tekanan perasaan yang baik (positif) dan ianya dinamakan sebagai “eustress” manakala yang yang buruk (negatif) pula dinamakan sebagai “distress.     APAKAH TANDA - TANDA / GEJALA UMUM STRESS ? Fizikal  Mental Emosi  Perangai   Masalah Kesihatan Dan Penyakit-penyakit Yang Berpunca Dari Stress   Sakit jantung dan angin ahmar (stroke) .  Insomnia atau susah tidur.   Kencing manis. Gastrik dan ulser. Infeksi atau jangkitan kuman. Asthma.     Tekanan adalah reaksi tubuh ter


 STRESS DISORDER DEFINITION Stress-related issues can incorporate psychological well-being messes that are a consequence of an atypical reaction to both short and long haul tension because of physical, mental, or passionate pressure. These issues can incorporate, yet are not restricted to over the top urgent issue and posttraumatic stress issue. CAUSES  Everybody has diverse pressure triggers. Work pressure best the rundown, as per reviews. A little less than half of U.S. laborers confess to encountering office stress, and one-quarter say work is the greatest wellspring of worry in their lives.  Reasons for work pressure include:  Being troubled in your activity  Having a weighty remaining task at hand or an excessive amount of obligation  Working extended periods  Having helpless administration, muddled desires for your work, or no state in the dynamic cycle  Working under risky conditions  Being unreliable about your possibility for headway or danger of end  Giving talks before partn


  RAWATAN SPONDYLOSIS LUMBAR + STAY IN TERBAIK DI IPOH DEFINISI   Spondylosis adalah istilah medis yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan proses penuaan (degenerasi) tulang belakang. Degenerasi biasanya terjadi pada taji tulang dan piringan antar tulang belakang. Kondisi ini merupakan salah satu jenis dari  osteoarthritis , yaitu degenerasi yang terjadi pada persendian. Namun, istilah ini umumnya merujuk pada kerusakan yang terjadi pada tulang belakang secara keseluruhan. Penyakit ini paling banyak terjadi akibat faktor usia. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, tulang belakang akan mengalami degenerasi akibat menahan beban tubuh terus menerus.  PENYEBAB SPONDYLOSIS Spondylosis adalah kondisi yang umumnya tidak memiliki penyebab atau pemicu eksternal. Kondisi ini biasanya disebabkan oleh faktor usia. Hampir seluruh kasus degenerasi tulang dan sendi, termasuk osteoarthritis, dipengaruhi oleh perubahan usia. Pada masa-masa awal hidup Anda, tulang belakang Anda belum memikul beban tubuh atau akt


THE BEST LUMBAR SPONDYLOSIS + STAY IN TREATMENT IN IPOH DEFINITION  Spondylosis is age-related difference in the bones (vertebrae) and plates of the spine. These progressions are frequently called degenerative circle infection and osteoarthritis.  These progressions don't generally cause indications. In any case, they are a typical reason for spine issues that can run from mellow to extreme. CAUSES As your body ages, the plates between the bones of the spine become stiffer and can separate. The bones likewise wear out and can develop bone prods.  SYMPTOMS There are regularly no side effects. When there are indications, back torment and firmness are the fundamental ones. They are normally more awful toward the beginning of the day and show signs of improvement for the duration of the day.  In the event that hard developments are pushing against a nerve root or the spinal string, you may have deadness, shivering, shortcoming, or a throbbing, shooting torment in your butt cheek and le


  RAWATAN SAKIT LEHER TERBAIK DI IPOH DEFINISI  Leher terdiri dari tulang belakang yang memanjang dari tengkorak ke tubuh bagian atas. Tulang, ligamen, dan otot leher menopang kepala, sehingga memungkinkan untuk menggerakkan kepala. Adanya kelainan, peradangan, atau cedera apa pun dapat menyebabkan sakit leher atau kekakuan. Sakit leher atau kaku adalah penyakit yang sering dialami banyak orang. Dalam banyak kasus, hal itu terjadi akibat postur tubuh yang buruk. Kadang-kadang, sakit leher juga disebabkan oleh cedera karena jatuh. Biasanya, sakit leher bukan kondisi serius dan dapat sembuh dalam beberapa hari. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus, sakit leher dapat mengindikasikan cedera serius atau penyakit dan memerlukan perawatan dokter. Selain itu, jika kamu mengalami sakit leher yang berlangsung selama lebih dari seminggu, parah, atau disertai dengan gejala lain, segera periksakan diri ke dokter.   FAKTOR RISIKO SAKIT LEHER  Siapa saja sebenarnya bisa mengalami sakit leher. Namun, ada beber


THE BEST NECK PAIN TREATMENT IN IPOH   DEFINITION Neck torment is the vibe of uneasiness in the neck zone. Neck agony can result from issues of any of the structures in the neck, including the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral plates, nerves, muscles, veins, throat, larynx, windpipe, lymphatic organs, thyroid organ, or parathyroid organs. Neck torment emerges from various conditions and is some of the time alluded to as cervical agony. CAUSES Your neck is flexible and supports the weight of your head, so it can be vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause pain and restrict motion. Neck pain causes include:  Muscle strains. Overuse, such as too many hours hunched over your computer or smartphone, often triggers muscle strains. Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth, can strain neck muscles. Worn joints. Just like the other joints in your body, your neck joints tend to wear down with age. Osteoarthritis causes the cushions (cartilage) between your bon